Sunday, May 19, 2013

Untried Polish Challenge 10: Most Expensive

Yay, I managed to get this one up still only one day late! See how it's not midnight yet at my house? Yup, that's a thing.

Anyway, today is the most expensive untried I have. Masha picked this up for me in New York a while back. It's so pretty!

 This is a beautiful holographic purple. Fascination Street by Cirque. It sells for $15, and incredibly well worth the splurge! Support indies!!

The h9olo effect was hard for me to capture, but you can see it in the bottle fairly well. And OMG the sun. Do I have a sun pic? No, because it's midnight. But I did have the bottle in the sun, and like most holos, its absolutely gorgeous!!

So here I thought I'd do some underwater shots to get the effect. They didn't work so well, but this one turned out alright!

 Why is the surface of the water all ripply and covered with hair?

This. This is why.
Dr. Frank N. Furter is ON IT when he hears running water. He'll never go into it, but boy does he love to drink his water...

Other participants of the challenge. =)

Masha at Lost In Lacquer
Raine at Lacquer Lily
Amy at Fancy Side
Amanda at Designer Nail Accents
Sam at Polished Art
Lizajane at Organic Neglect
Blueberry Pie at Blueberry Nails
Kristina at Lacquer Fetish
Missy at Gnarly Gnails
Uni at Acetone FIles
Isabel at Little Fairy
Raux at Raux Polish
Alison at UKNailRunner

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Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Untried Challenge Number 6: Cool

Hey! A day late on this one, my internet was down yesterday after work. Boo.

I'll keep this post short seeing as I have to be to work in a few minutes.

The bottle I'm holding is Cirque Planet Caravan. I have always felt that purples are cool colors, because it's a secondary color of blue and red, it could really go either way. So to make it more cool I've added Essie Dive Bar gradient. Now there is no doubt it's cool. Also a little sticker. Because it needed something!!
One pic today. It was hard to capture the subtle gradient in multiple angles, so this works just fine. =)

I'll have some super great swatches soon of some super great polishes I just picked up. Stay tuned!


[edit]  I missed the list of participants somehow...
Masha at Lost In Lacquer
Raine at Lacquer Lily
Amy at Fancy Side
Sam at Polished Art
Lizajane at Organic Neglect
Blueberry Pie at Blueberry Nails
Kristina at Lacquer Fetish
Missy at Gnarly Gnails
Uni at Acetone FIles
Erica at Coat of Mani Colors
Isabel at Little Fairy
Raux at Raux Polish 

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